Tuesday, August 4, 2009

dancing children of the steppe.

im not really a video guy for the most part (thanks much music for ruining my ability to watch music videos), but now and again there are videos that grab my attention (see dirty projectors, dept. of eagles, bat for lashes, and fever ray in other posts)...

first: cass mccombs - you saved my life

if i had a vagina i'd probably say this was going to be my wedding song, instead i'll just admit to watching it atleast once a day for the last week to save what little there is left of my masculinity... actually all of his new album is quirky and sweet and great (slide guitars always get me)... anyway its a simple and great theme for a simple and great song (articulate of me i know)

second: the walkmen - four provinces and marrisa nadler - river of dirt

then comes the return of the godard jump cut. with the walkmen it is dancing children what i assume is the mongolian steppe and nadler on a old country road with a video that only makes me think of hunter s. thompson on his way to the grand ole opery

third: foreign born - winter games

before i was sidelined with a career ending cryp walkin' injury i used to throw down with these boys... to my surprise when i watched the new foreign born video (finally realized it was the bo-diddly backbeat i loved about the song) and my moves had be taken... watch out fuckers there is a reason why they call me cap cap capin' crunch...

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