Tuesday, June 2, 2009

moored to insomnia

i think i have a sleeping disorder, perhaps everyone has been right for years and the fact that there is a phrase called 'pulling a mike butler' in my department (denoting being generally strung out, haggard, and lacking sleep for days) should have been an earlier clue for me. either way, i figured as a result of my insomnia i would post some new music or music which is new to me...

three releases i've really been anticipating were think about life, the lovely feathers, and sunset rubdown... firstly, the think about life album is absolute crap (overproduced shitty disco synths
and listless lyrics = it'll be big in the hipster dance clubs) i'll post some older but 'unreleased tracks'.. the sunset rubdown album is good, but nothing to write home about (i posted my favourite track off it a while back), but the new lovely feathers album is an unexpected surprise... keeping to what they do well, but also not creating my brother daniel or hind hind legs over again, i hope this album gets the attention that hind hind legs should have got (it got overshadowed on the label by islands release, and we all know how i feel about islands in general).... also, hayden had a new album come out which is strange as he usually takes years between records, its good, not amazing, but cuff the duke as a backing band add a unique dimension... quest for fire is the remains of the deadly snakes, they throw down some good drudge rock in the same style as dead meadow or black mountain, which means they are probably infinity better live than on album (which is a good album with that being said)... i really just like everything the woods and kurt vile do, so i figured id include a track of the woods 7'' and a kurt vile ep... i also got my hands on a julie doiron and calm down its monday split 7'', so there are a couple nice little ditties from that... last but not least, a new radio dept. track finally leaked, those who know me know i loved this band since thier first album came out (sorry sophia, but i was on this shit back in the day, you loose your hipster cred points), anyway, i enjoy the track but nothing will top lesser matters era radio dept....there are some other songs from other bands but you can judge those yourself, so in no particular order:

  1. quest for fire - bison eyes
  2. wildlife - sea drummer
  3. kurt vile and the violators - hunchback
  4. julie doiron - its nice to come home
  5. sunset rubdown - apollo and the buffalo and anna anna anna oh!
  6. calm down its monday - sweetest may
  7. the woods - the dark
  8. the lovely feathers - fantasy of the lot
  9. the lovely feathers - ossified homes
  10. hayden - dilapidated hearts
  11. tiny vipers - dreamers
  12. real estate - suburban dogs
  13. the radio dept. - david
  14. think about life - friendship cove
  15. think about life - ancient missiles
download link: https://www.yousendit.com/download/MnFoR0lUQ0NnYVBIRGc9PQ

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