Aliya commented that she wanted some Benoît Pioulard, we struck a deal, and now i have to do my part... which isnt really that much of a labour as i have been wanting to make a mix of his (google him if you want to find out more about the enigmatic portland via michigan artists) stuff for some time... i've been a big fan of his tangled lyrics and railway track strumming since the album precis (triggering back is one of my favourite all time songs), and really hope to get a chance to see one of the few shows a year he plays sometimes... anyway, his music is like drifting through the city at night - a dérive - ambling through through the atmosphere, a movement through space, encountering ambiance in the archetecture of the everyday...
In no particular order:
- Benoît Pioulard - Fir (Fir 7")
- Benoît Pioulard - La Guerre de Sept Ans (Précis)
- Benoît Pioulard - Maginot (Flocks ep)
- Benoît Pioulard - Ragged Tint (Temper)
- Benoît Pioulard - Kids Are Getting Younger (Enge ep)
- Benoît Pioulard - Sunol (Fir 7")
- Benoît Pioulard - Together & Down (Précis)
- Benoît Pioulard - Ext. Leslie Park (Précis)
- Benoît Pioulard - Forming At The Mouth (Fir 7")
- Benoît Pioulard & Praveen - Embers (Songs Spun Simla)
- Benoît Pioulard - Golden Grin (Temper)
- Benoît Pioulard - Sparrowfield (Enge ep)
- Benoît Pioulard - Triggering Back (Précis)
- Benoît Pioulard - Palimend (Précis)
- Benoît Pioulard - Idyll (Temper)
- Benoît Pioulard - Brown Bees (Temper)
- Benoît Pioulard - A Woolgathering Exodus (Temper)
- Benoît Pioulard - Sous la Plage (Précis)
- Benoît Pioulard & Praveen - At A Loss (The 'Gum Drop: Volume LXVII)
- Benoît Pioulard - The Seedling (Bonnie 'Prince' Billy Cover)
Also if anyone has the 'Lee 7"' ripped, the B-side (alaska lashes) for the 'Flock ep', or the 'Songs Spun Simla' album with Praveen I would apreciate a link...
I also have the 'Dakota/House ep' and 'Rain in May's...' mixtape if anyone wants it upped... more drone and ambient stuff than that above...
All images are polaroid by Benoît Pioulard , go to his website ( ) and check them out and by his albums, they are well worth it...